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Showing posts from 2010

Ngaskus Lebih Praktis dan Simpel dengan Quick Reply

Halo semua, sori jarang ngepost :D Kali ini saya akan ngasih tips praktis dan simpel ngaksus lewat Quick Reply (QR). Sebenarnya fitur QR hanya di miliki oleh kaskus donatur, namun....kita juga bisa pakai kok. Diatas adalah contoh screenshotnya, asik kan :D Oke, langsung aja step-stepnya : 1. Instal greasemonkey : (pengguna GC ga perlu) 2. Install script: Compatible firefox 3.6.x; 4.0b7; chrome 7.0; flock 3.0; opera 10.63; 3. Udah??? kalo udah tinggal masuk ke trit, dan akan ada kotak reply di bawah sendiri atau klik icon

[SHARE] Corel DRAW X5 Portable

Akhirnya, release sudah aplikasi yang saya dan kawan2 tunggu pastinya. Yup, COREL draw X5 versi portable yang ringan, cepat dan tidak membutuhkan update Net Framework 3.5. Langsung saja, tidak perlu berbasa basi.... silahkan sedot link di bawah ini :

[SHARE] Free Google SketchUp 8 + Serial Number

Google SketchUp 8 "SketchUp is the finest (and most innovative) tool available for anyone designing anything from coffee pots to skyscrapers." – McCall & Associates Serial Number : TEAM MESMERiZE MC-220-17017286-MSM 54671e5e3b6cd246ab75de0699d43278 Jika Serial Number diatas tidak bekerja, download di sini : include : * Google SketchUp Pro 8.0.3117 * Generator of keys * Plug SketchUp Vray 01.05.30 (medicine and advanced options for v-ray are present) * Books SketchUp Student Workbook (pdf) and Google SketchUp For Dummies (pdf);* Russifiers for SketchUp 7 * Sketchy Physics. enjoy :D

Auto Mass Traffic ebook-Video-Tutorial Free Download

Hallow, post kali ini akan saya coba isi dengan Harta Rampokan dari * :D Entah berapapun harga isinya, yang terpenting adalah ilmu-ilmu yang patut pelajari. Oke, ini dia...

Adobe Photoshop CS5 Extended Portable (No Crack Needed)

Adobe Photoshop CS5 Extended Portable  New CS5 Features: Adobe Photoshop CS5 Extended software is the ultimate solution for advanced digital imaging, delivering all the editing and compositing capabilities of Photoshop CS5 plus breakthrough tools that let you create and edit 3D and motion-based content. With the advent of Photoshop CS5 photographers have access to a function of the new generation to create images with high dynamic range (HDR). Combining pictures with different exposures in one HDR-image, Photoshop CS5 accurately retains the full range of key scenes. New technology allows the HDR Pro to eliminate spurious distortions and provides more precise control of the tone mapping. With features HDR rendering, users can simulate HDR-images using a single image, claim the developers. In addition, Photoshop CS5 includes revolutionary tools to enhance the creative potential of users. Brand new drawing tools include a tool Mixer Brush, who mixes an infinite number of colors ...

Blogging SEO Tips-Trick-How To Increase Ratings

Hellow teman2, saya baru nemuin eBook2 (yang harusnya berbayar) baru yang siap unduh buat kamu. Yaitu tips dan trik untuk meningkatkan blog dan penghasilan online kamu, oke.... TRAFFIC TACTICS Link Download :

Hacking Wi-fi Software

Maaf nggak bisa nampilin gambar soalnya server lagi maintenance. Info: This version is for all systems except systems with the Intel B/G wireless cards (IPW2200). - Live CD with all the tools you need to hack a WLAN / wireless Access point - Linux Live-CD - OS runs from CD - 635 mb - .iso - also used by the FBI. Fast-forward to last summer, when the first of the latest generation of WEP cracking tools appeared. This current generation uses a combination of statistical techniques focused on unique IVs captured and brute-force dictionary attacks to break 128 bit WEP keys in minutes instead of hours. As Special Agent Bickers noted, "It doesn't matter if you use 128 bit WEP keys, you are vulnerable!" WEP Hacking - The Next Generation WEP is an encryption scheme, based on the RC-4 cipher, that is available on all 802.11a, b and g wireless products. WEP uses a set of bits called a key to scramble information in the data frames as it leaves the access point or client...


Here is the first release of BetaBot from the team. It should be pretty self explanitory When registering, you are expected to use your forum username, Another password, and to not pass on this bot to anyone else, doing so will result in a permanent ban from this forum. DeadEyeFred.ini is now BetaBot.ini (RIP fred you fat cunt) Seat recording and lobby recording is done from the login screen. I'm not going to ramble on about it because you all know by now how to use a bot, stuff will become clear, and you can post any questions in the help and support. This will not be without its teething problems, but try things out, and use some common sense. Ini adalah poker Bot seri terbaru yang udah di sesuaikan dengan settingan terbaru. Nggak perlu seting2 manual seperti dulu, cocok buat anda yang main zinga. NB : Sebagian antivirus akan menganggap ini virus bot, matikan dahulu anti virus anda. link download : HERE

Ready Download Vol. 7 : Full Software with Crack

He5, entah kenapa akhir2 ini saya sering post pake bahasa inggris, biar cepet kebaca di US kali ya :P. Untuk file hosting, kali ini semua ada di fileserve. Oke, here we are and enjoy : TuneUp Utilities 2010 9.0.4030.5 Xilisoft Video Converter Ultimate eBoostr 4.0 Build 554 BitDefender 2010 All Versions +2047 Patch & Genuine Keys Internet Download Manager 5.19.3 Prekracked!! Avast v5 INTERNET SECURITY v5.0.545 (Till 2024) crack: pass: GuDDs Daemon Tools Pro 4.30.0303 Advanced AVG 9.0 ...